Nickle accepts first ABC Chesapeake Shores Safety Award

STEP Award

Pictured left-right: ABC Chesapeake Shores Board Chairman Rob Secoura, Nickle VP of Pre-Construction Dave Spittle, and ABC Chesapeake Shores President Chris Garvey. Photo by John Dove, KRR Photography.


Nickle received its first Gold Associated Builders and Contractors STEP (Safety Training and Evaluation Process) Award from the Chesapeake Shores Chapter last week. We received our eighth consecutive STEP Award from the ABC Delaware Chapter in May, at the Platinum level. The STEP program is designed to support ABC members with development and improvement of safety and training efforts. As of today we have worked 1,333 days without a lost-time accident.


Nickled joined the Chesapeake Shores Chapter just a few years ago to extend our reach and expand our geographical footprint. It has brought us great success in developing new relationships and getting our finger on the pulse of construction around the Eastern Shore of Maryland.


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